Brain Damage

I was in a nasty bike wreck this weekend and ended up in the hospital getting staples put in my head. I’ve never bleed so much before. I was bleeding out my nose, mouth, face, head, chin, eyehole.

It was AWESOME!!!

I was all like WHoah! This is like totally XXXtreme Dude! And the nurse was all like… yeah TOTALLY! Only someone so XXXtreme would take on such a GNARLY tree, FACE FIRST!!! And I was all like mmm… mmmmm… mmm.. (removes gauze from mouth) FUCK BITCH! Those staples fuckin’ hurt… WTF!!! that’s a goddamn staple gun! What?! your out of needles and thread and had to go to Home Depot?!?! Fuck!!! Well... gimme some MORPHINE stat!!!

That’s when things started to get a little foggy, but I’m pretty sure that hot asian chick from ER came in and gave me an massage (with a happy ending). And I felt relaXXXed (but still hella XXXtreme).

Brain Damage – Hurtful Dub


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